Teachers will continually observe and assess your child’s learning in class. At different times an assessment task or test may be set to gain a clearer idea of how well your child is understanding what has been taught. This important assessment assists the teacher to fine-tune teaching strategies for the individual student. Various opportunities are provided during the year to let parents know their child’s progress as outlined below.

Scheduled Meetings

‘Get to Know’ meetings are held at the start of each year. These are an informal interview to allow you to speak to the teacher about your child. They are not a formal reporting time.

‘Student Led Conferences’ take place at the end of second term. The purpose of the conference is to:

  • Celebrate growth in your child’s learning and achievements
  • An opportunity for your child to articulate their learning and learning goals
  • A chance for parents to engage in their child’s learning
  • Accountability for students, teachers and parents

If you have concerns about your child’s progress outside of these times we encourage parents to contact their child’s home group teacher and make a time to see them.

Formal Reporting

Formal written reports are sent home at the end of term two and term four.

Meeting with your child’s teacher

If you have any concerns or questions about your child you do not need to wait until a formal method of reporting takes place. Additional communication can take place at the request of a parent/carer or the teacher.


Ask the teacher if you can arrange a time that is suitable. This could be done before or after school. If you are working you may like to forward a note or leave a message at the office for the class teacher to return your call so that you can make arrangements to meet.


Inform the teacher about the nature of your inquiry. Teachers care about your child and want to know if there are any issues which may have arisen.


A positive outcome for all involved should result if each party is willing to listen to the others view and all work toward a solution that is in the best interests of your child.

Please refer to the ‘Documents and Policies’ section on our website to download the Complaints and Grievances Policy.

Meeting with the Principal

There may be times when you wish to speak with the Principal for matters that may involve family, health, finance or other personal issues. To speak with the Principal please contact the school office to make an appointment.

You may also wish to make an appointment with the Deputy Principal or Wellbeing Leader in regards to any concerning matters which can be done via the school office.

General Assessment Information

National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)

Students in Years 3 and 5 participate in the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN), which tests literacy – reading, writing and language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. The results of these tests, in conjunction with a range of data from other assessment strategies and data collections, give you information on how your child is progressing and where s/he could benefit from greater challenges or extra help.

National assessment and reporting are the responsibility of the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). In Victoria, NAPLAN is administered by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA).

For more information, see www.nap.edu.au, call 1300 895 563 (ACARA) or email info@acara.edu.au. Alternatively, see www.vcaa.vic.edu.au, call 1800 134 197 (VCAA) or email vcaa@edumail.vic.gov.au.

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA)

The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) is responsible to all Australian Education Ministers for developing Australian curriculum, student assessment, including NAPLAN, and for reporting overall student and school performance. ACARA also manages the My School website, which provides information on all Australian schools.

For more details on ACARA, see www.acara.edu.au. For more details on My School, see www.myschool.edu.au.

Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA)

The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) sets the guidelines for what students learn from Prep to Year 12 in all Victorian schools. The VCAA is responsible for the administration in Victorian schools of the Victorian Curriculum, the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL), Vocational Education and Training (VET) certificates, and the National Assessment Program – Literacy and
Numeracy (NAPLAN).

For more information, see www.vcaa.vic.edu.au, call 1800 134 197 or email vcaa@edumail.vic.gov.au.