“We welcome all students and their families who share or respect our Catholic faith, values and traditions. Catholic education is supported by State and Federal funding, with families contributing the balance of the cost of educating their children. At times, some families are unable to meet their commitment to the full costs of education. As a Catholic school system, we ensure fee relief mechanisms are available to support families in time of need. We encourage these discussions on enrolment or as these needs emerge.”
2023 School Fees
2023 School Fees Total (Per Year) $1695
Tuition fee $1130
Capital Fee $220
Student Levy $345

Capital Fee

A nominal fee is charged per year to assist with basic school maintenance and upkeep.

Student levy

The student levy fee covers all student supplies, project materials, technology maintenance and local excursions.

Family Concessions

The following concessions apply for three or more siblings who attend the school at the same time:

  • A 50% fee reduction in the student levy for the third and subsequent enrolled students

Other Charges

2023 Camp Fees per Student
Foundation – Year 2 TBA
Year 3 TBA
Year 4 TBA
Year 5 TBA
Year 6 TBA
Device Fee (Year 4 Students Only)
Purchase of Chrome Book $467.50

DOBCEL Enrolment Form Explanatory Statement